Teens Chai West / Schmooze Club
The goal of The Chai West Center is to give the teenager located in the west island a sense of Jewish identity and Jewish pride, keeping them connected to their roots.
For over 2 years now The Chai West Center has been making a powerful impact on the Jewish teenagers from Dollard-Des-Ormeaux.
The Rocking Rabbi David Lazar who is the Director of Outreach for The Chai West has offered great Jewish programs & events for the teenagers in the West Island.
Every Friday night Rocking Rabbi has 15-25 students over at his house for Shabbat dinner until 3:00am in the morning. One student David A. was quoted" Since I've been going to the Rabbi's house for Shabbat I feel so proud to be a Jew. I started to wear my Star of David to show it."
One of the very successful programs that Chai West offers is called "The Schmooze Club." Rocking Rabbi David visits 3 West Island schools weekly, bringing kosher pizza & danishes for the students during their lunch hour, discussing many Jewish issues & Jewish topics.
The Chai West has also made amazing holiday events during the Jewish holidays. Throwing a Chanukah Party with for over 50 teens, and "Sukkah hopping" with over 30 students in limousines to Sukkahs all over the city, were among the many successful events!
On a Ski Retreat Weekend Shabbaton for 20 students, one students named Ricki quoted; "The Chai West ski trip was the best trip I was ever on".
On a Chai West NYC trip, a student quoted "The N.Y Trip was AWESOME!" - J.R.
Welcome to our Chai West Island Chapter!
Chai West Events 2007
All night Sukkah Party at the Rabbi's House. Friday Night 9:00pm, Sept. 28, 2007
Location: 27 Birchview
Limo Sukkah Hopping
Tuesday Night 7:30pm,
October 2, 2007
Location: 27 Birchview
The Schmooze Club
Schmooze Clubs in the West Island.
Our Schmooze Clubs are alive and kicking at your local High schools in the West Island during Lunch Hour. We are in Lindsay Place, Riverdale and Wic.
For those of you who would like to get a dose of spirituality and find out a little more about your Jewish roots in a unique and cool perspective, then come on down and join the Rocking Rabbi David Lazar at your school once a week during Lunch hour.
The Schmooze Club is on the cutting edge of informal education, providing free pizza and fries for students in the public and private schools of the West Island , during the school lunch hour.
The Schmooze Club is a unique informative program that offers affiliated & unaffiliated Jewish Teens a chance to discuss a wide spectrum of topics of interest to them that aren’t in their standard curriculum at their local high school. The Schmooze Club is open to students from all different faiths and backgrounds. This Club offers the Jewish perspective on many of the issues & topics in our daily lives including personal beliefs, morals & values, and religion.
We hope to see you there.
Contact David Lazar at: [email protected]
Schmooze Club/Chai West Events 2006 & 2007
Sukkah Limo Hopping
Tuesday Night, October 18th 2006 - Location : 56 Chatillon
Chanukah Party
Wed. night Dec. 20th 208:00pm at the CivicCenter
Purim Ride in the Mitzvah Tank (Food Baskets)
Meet at the Civic Center Sunday, March 4th 2007at 1:00 p.m
Meeting at Civic Center, Sunday March 25th 2007, 12:30PM
The Chai New York Shabbaton
April 26-29, 2007
Every Thursay Night, Activity with the Rocking Rabbi!
HAVDALAH & MELAVEH MALKA Every Saturday Night at the Rabbi's House! Location 27 Birchview D.D.O
B.B.Q July 15th SUNDAY NIGHT 7:30 PM at the Rabbi's House.
Overnight at the Rabbi's Country House in St. Founstin
Contact David Lazar at: [email protected]
Some archived Events This Summer!
May 10th- Dinner at Ernies & Eli's Kosher Chinese followed by Fabregen.
May 17th- Dinner at Chez Benny's & Bowling.
May 31st- Sushi dinner, then we're off to MTL Chai Center.
June 14th- Dinner & Arcade